Our Products

An investment company aiming to invest in the Food Processing & Agricultural Sectors in Egypt, We Produce Tomato Paste & Pickled Olives

Tomato Paste

Egypt’s annual production of fresh tomatoes reaches up to 8 million tons ranking it as one of the top 10 producing countries worldwide.
Due to its warm climate and contrary to other countries with one harvesting season, Egypt enjoys two main harvesting seasons, a summer one starting in June till August and a winter season starting in December till February.

Located in Beni-Sweif Province, the company enjoys the vicinity of more than 80% of the tomato plantation acreage giving it easy access to fresh tomatoes during the two seasons.
CB Aseptic Tomato Paste represents 75% from world trade with a steady annual growth in demand since the nineties.
100% of our total production is being exported to Kenya, Spain, Portugal, Brazil, Jordan, Morocco, Poland, Libya, Sudan & Palestine.


Table Olives have been grown in Egypt for over 4000 years where olives have been actually found in some Egyptian tombs since year 2000 B.C.
Egypt is ranked as one of the top five producers of olives worldwide producing between 18-20% of global production.
After acquisition, INDAGRO took the strategic decision of acquiring through long term rentals and full management around 500 acres of olive plantation securing almost 70% of company’s production rather than depending on outsourcing.

The aim is to stabilize the quality of the raw material and mitigate the negative effects of a highly fluctuating market.
We apply the latest in the Good Agricultural Practices where traceability till the seedlings is implemented.

We ensure pesticide residues are within the EU Regulations limit.

We produce whole, pitted, and sliced table olives in drums of net weight of 160kg. 
100% from the production is exported worldwide including Spain, France, Greece, Brazil, Algeria, Tunis, Morocco and Libya.